Day 2

As I had previously commented, this is not a regular diary. The numbers of the days are just the habit of giving some order to our thoughts and experiences. An awful habit, if you allow me to point. 

Also as I had promised, this lines are about my current reading. I'm reading Jane Austen… It´s a nice reading… easy going I´d say. I confess that it hasn't really fulfilled my expectations. She is usually pointed as an example of a narrator of her times, specially about the ideas and stereotypes about women. Indeed, she describes the picture of how society was and the places and roles given to women, but the deepness of that is not really in the stories themselves. Actually, the stories are quite ordinary and simple, in some ways predictable and the characters aren't so well defined. You can easily figure out which role each of them play and the main attitudes and virtues they have. 

Of course, it doesn't mean that her books aren't valuable, especially when you get to know some about the author´s own story. I didn't check the source but I recently read that she came from a middle class family and that she lived all her life in a house in the country, far enough from social life as to value her knowledge and critics on how it worked, as she clearly describes in her stories.


The book I'm currently reading is Pride and Prejudice, and before this one, I read Sense and Sensibility. There are quite too many similarities in the stories and the main characters. The prototype of the families are quite the same as well. Anyway, I liked the one I read before and I like the one I'm reading now. Though I already know how it will end, I still wonder how it will develop until the end comes.

Not too deep, not so long, but… I´ve written some lines. I´ll find interesting things to say when I feel like thinking again.


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