
Mostrando las entradas de 2021

Day 1

It´s not a very promissing introduction. So far you might think it is just another borind dairy of a woman of no importance -nice to quote Wilde in a first paragraph-. Actually, it doesn´t pretend to be a dairy per se. It is the need of practicing my English writing and to improve my grammar, and oerhaos, if it works well enough, I ould even expand my vocabulary. If I had the chance, I would rather do this orally, having interesting conversations with somone else who speaks Englis. Properly, a native one. But, interesting conversation isný something available at any place or moment. In fact, it is quite unusual even in the mother tongue. So, I decided to talk to an imaginary myself some decent ideas that can be shared with no shame with anyone who might, by chance, find my writings on line.  If in any case, you wish to provide your impressions about my words, please try to focus on what I have just pointed: grammar, languag uses and vocabulary. If there is something of your personal in